FMC – Fonderia Metalli Centrifugati srl
Via Tito Carbone, 58
15050 – Carbonara Scrivia (AL)
P.IVA 00304580061

Tel: +39 0131 892101
Fax: +39 0131 892974

Manufacture of:
- bushings and rings
- snails and castings to design
- forgings and laminates
- bronze bars and tubes with continuous casting
- plates, paintings and hexagons
Mechanical machining
numerically controlled


F.M.C. is able to provide a finished product ready to be assembled complete with surface heat treatments

FMC – Fonderia Metalli Centrifugati srl
Via Tito Carbone, 58    15050 – Carbonara Scrivia (AL)
P.IVA 00304580061       Tel: +39 0131 892101      Fax: +39 0131 892974