FMC – Fonderia Metalli Centrifugati srl
Via Tito Carbone, 58
15050 – Carbonara Scrivia (AL)
P.IVA 00304580061

Tel: +39 0131 892101
Fax: +39 0131 892974

Manufacture of:
- bushings and rings
- snails and castings to design
- forgings and laminates
- bronze bars and tubes with continuous casting
- plates, paintings and hexagons
Mechanical machining
numerically controlled

he production of this semi-finished product is always constant in its dimensions, its homogeneous compactness favors its use in series processing on automatic machines. The systematic control minimizes "waste" by allowing the construction of elements without length limits. The bars, in addition to having a greater constant hardness both inside and outside, have better mechanical characteristics and excellent workability.
FMC – Fonderia Metalli Centrifugati srl
Via Tito Carbone, 58    15050 – Carbonara Scrivia (AL)
P.IVA 00304580061       Tel: +39 0131 892101      Fax: +39 0131 892974